One of my goals this year is to stay on track with a printable weekly planner template. I have figured out that I need to keep things simple, and this blank calendar really helps me do that.

This free printable weekly planner template will help simplify a complicated schedule. For longer-term planning, be sure to download and print this year’s monthly free printable calendar template. You will have a yearly calendar to go along with your weekly planner.
printable weekly planner

What is the best weekly planner?

This one of course! It is easy and free!

Click here –> {Printable Weekly Planner Download}

The printable page will open and you can print in PDF format. This weekly planner printable is a letter paper size. Print the PDF file on regular copy paper.

Why Use A Weekly Planner Template?

The best way for me to keep organized is to not have too many steps. A daily planner is too cumbersome for me. I need to be able to plan the whole week.

Now ideally, I liked to just have a month-at-a-glance calendar, but I have learned taking time to plan is a good thing. A monthly planner was just too broad for me. So I arrived at a weekly schedule, which helps me with day-to-day time management as well as planning out a few days ahead.

I am a list maker. Oh, how I love lists and now have a weekly to-do list.  In my weekly planner template, you’ll see I have plenty of space at the bottom for jotting down ideas and things I don’t want to forget during the week.

If you have loads of meetings and engagements during the day then this little planner might not fit your needs, or maybe you keep all that on your phone.

For me, I like the way a weekly planner helps me focus on the big picture, without getting too bogged down in daily details. At the weekly level, you can build on your goals and think about how they translate into your daily actions.

A weekly overview isn’t just for keeping track of your work schedule. If you need a pretty place to keep a few reminders of both work and personal things you need to get done, I hope this weekly calendar will work for you!

How do you use a weekly planner?

If you too are a fan of the weekly planner I have a pretty schedule template that you can print (just click the link above the photo)!

I am focusing on being thankful, so you will see a spot to write that down every day. I knew I wouldn’t keep up with a gratitude journal, but I can take a moment to express my thankfulness daily and jot it down on my weekly agenda.

There are tasks I am going to try to do every day……like drink water, exercise, take vitamins and pray. I have a little spot to check those off for each day of the week.

You will find a spot to list out weekly goals. If you set goals this year, as I did, it truly helps to keep them in full view — always working on them! If you use the weekend for projects, family activities, and fun you will have plenty of room to write those down, too.

Now you are ready for some productive weekly planning!

6 tips for using a weekly planner

  1. Schedule a time each week to have a planning session. Look at the previous week and see if there are items that didn’t get accomplished that need to be moved to the upcoming week. Evaluate areas where you need improvement (especially in the daily tasks like drink water, eat veggies, etc.)
  2. Check your planner first thing in the morning and once before ending your day. Be sure to add any new appointments or new tasks. Checking in often will keep you on track.
  3. Make your tasks specific.
  4. If you’re a visual person, use different colored pens or stickers to help separate different types of tasks at a glance.
  5. Try to keep everything on this sheet. Multiple planning pages of notes and lists will only cause confusion.
  6. Don’t over-schedule. Allow time in your day for unexpected tasks and fun.

How do you keep organized and inspired?

All these weekly life planner pages will help keep you on track and organized. Remember, these planners are all about your life, and how you use them is really up to you.

When thinking about planning don’t forget about chore charts for your family. They help to build self-esteem and teach kids to be responsible. With the free printable all you need to do is fill in the blanks.

Are you planning a classroom party?  These Valentine’s Day Classroom party ideas and Valentine Games might help you out. So many fun printables on Skip to my Lou that help you from planning to celebrating.

I would love to keep you fully stocked with creative ideas, yummy recipes, fun crafts, and loads of free printables. Subscribe to Skip to my Lou to get new ideas delivered to your inbox. Follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram for all my latest updates.

About Cindy Hopper

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  1. Thank you for the calendar! I’m always trying to find ways to improve my organization, and this looks great!

  2. these planners are the best thank for sharing I m using it and credit you webpage, Thank You, you have a beautiful heart <3

  3. You have found it. If you look at the bottom of each day it says thankful for…..
    Hope this is what you are looking for!


  4. Thank you so much for these printable goal setting and calendar sheets. They are really well designed.

  5. Thanks for this! I find it super handy and I am so grateful that you have taken the time to make something lovely and useful and then shared it freely.

  6. Thank you so much for the Printable Weekly Planner Page…this is just what I needed. I can’t wait to print it out! Hoping you have a wonderful rest of the week! 🙂

  7. Thank you for taking time to design these and then allow others to download to use. such an inspiration.

  8. This looks like just what I need. Not a huge deal, but when I printed it, there weren’t lines in any of the day boxes. Maybe my print resolution wasn’t high enough?

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